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Messages from our Elders - Aunty Pam Pederson

Messages from our Elders was inspired by personal stories of hardship, cultural connection and survival from our Elders.

These messages were created whilst checking in with our old people during the COVID-19 isolation period, 2020. Their reminder of our strength and survival and their words of wisdom and comfort were too beautiful not to share.

We acknowledge their traditional lands in the photos their words are written on.

We thank them for sharing their precious gifts and we hope you find some personal meaning from them too.

Wala Connections

Aunty Pam Pedersen - Yorta Yorta Elder

Hello to my beautiful Aboriginal community - what a time we are all going through!

I am so grateful to be living at the Rumbalara Independent Units and being with my people.

Sending you all a loving reminder that we have our culture which makes us strong and gives us the strength to get us through this journey.

This is what our ancestors left so that we as Aboriginal people can stand together and look after one another.

Look after our Elders and check on them to see if they are okay.

If you can have a yarn about some funny stories when you went camping and fishing and the big fish which got away!

Everyone, stay strong, until we can all meet again soon.

Love you all, Aunty

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